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PS-4N70 - 400W 70V Power Supply

11.00 LBS
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Product Description

70VDC 400W Power Supply

These power supplies are designed for used in the servo motor drive and high over loaded applications. They will work on both standard 115V and 230V at 50Hz or 60Hz. This toroidal transformer has heavier gauge wires then the normal requirement to avoid the copper lost during the full load output and over load output. The power supply has a flexible add on option that allows more outputs as needed. Those isolated outputs can be used as logic control or encoder power supply. The main output has 2 large capacitors (10000uF x2) to guaranty the output ripple to minimum. The chassis is made of 3/32" thick aluminum for strength and heat dissipation from rectifier and linear regulators. It will work continuous without any over heat problem.

You can add SS-12 soft start, FM-03 fuse module and DR-05 or DC-24 modules. 

  • Product Brief

  • Weight: 11.0lb
  • Dimensions: 8.05" x 5.55" x 3"

Electrical Characteristics

Power 400W
Output Voltage  Current
70V 5.7A


Power 400W
Output Voltage  Current
70V 5.7A
5V 1A


Power 400W
Output Voltage  Current
70V 5.7A
5V 1A
12V 1A


Power 400W
Output Voltage  Current
70V 5.7A
12V 1A


Power 400W
Output Voltage  Current
70V 5.7A
17V 2A


Power 400W
Output Voltage  Current
70V 5.7A
24V 2A


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